McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 1, 2

Suddenly Tolocamp appeared, his genial smile not completely masking his disapproval of Moreta’s dusty appearance.

“I’ll just slide off, thank you. Lord Tolocamp,” she said, politely ignoring his offer of assistance. •

“If you’ll follow me, Lady Moreta,” Lady Oma said, breaking through the press of people and taking charge. ^^,

Relieved to be able to retire gracefully from TolocampiKritical

Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern 37

gaze, Moreta followed Alessan’s mother. In the instant her eyes met Lady Oma’s, Moreta knew the woman disapproved of her as much as Tolocamp did but more for upsetting her own plans for her son’s afternoon entertainment than for Moreta’s hoyden behavior. As they proceeded through the Hall, splendidly decorated for the Gather, and up the stairs into the Hold’s private corridors, Moreta felt the weight of Lady Oma’s rebuke in her silence. In Lady Oma’s own apartments, however, a variety of gowns, skirts, and tunics had been hastily assembled, and from the bathroom drifted the moist scent of perfumed water and the giggles of the girls who were preparing it.

“Your gown has been cleaned, Lady Moreta,” Lady Oma said, closing the door behind Moreta. “But I doubt it will be dry before the dancing.” She cast a measuring glance at Moreta, ignoring the dusty brown shift. “You’re thinner than I’d thought. Perhaps the rust …” She indicated the garment, then canceled that suggestion with an impatient gesture other hand. It was reminiscent of Alessan. “It is in no way comparable to your own gown. This green one is more suited to your rank.”

Moreta went to the rust dress, fingering the texture of the plain but soft fabric. She held it up to her waist and shoulders. The fit would be good through the body, though the skirt was short above her ankles. She glaRced at the fine material of the green dress. She’d sweat in it dancing the way she intended to dance for having lost part of her racing.

“The rust will do very well, and I’m grateful for the loan of it.” She smiled around at the women in the room, trying to locate the donor but no one met her glance. “This will be fine. I won’t be long,” she added, smiling again as she entered the bathing room and pulled the curtain across. She hoped they would all take the hint and leave.

She lolled longer in the warm scented water than she intended, easing muscles made tense by the afternoon’s excitements. Only when she finally emerged and was rubbing her hair dry did she hear a noise in the outer chamber and realize that someone was waiting tor her.

“Lady Oma?” she called out, dreading the answer. “No, it’s only Oklina,” an apologetic young voice replied. “Did you find the shift?” “I’m in it.”

“Do you need help with your hair?”


Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern

“It’s short enough to dry quickly.”


Moreta smiled to herself for the chagrin in the young voice. “I’m distressingly self-sufficient, Lady Oklina,” Moreta said, pulling the rust dress over her head, “except that I cannot do up the back of the gown.” She pulled the curtain aside as Oklina rushed forward, nearly colliding with Moreta and almost collapsing with embarrassment at

her awkwardness.

Oklina bore a marked resemblance to her brother but none to Lady Oma, if indeed the woman was the girl’s mother. The dark complexion, which suited Alessan, did nothing for the girl yet she had a sensitivity in her face and a grace of movement that had its own appeal. And, Moreta noted enviously, thick long black plaits

gleamed in the well-lit room.

“I’m awfully sorry it’s only me. Lady Moreta, but it’s time to serve the roasts and with so many guests …” Oklina deftly settled the bodice to Moreta’s hips and began lacing the back.

“If I had been watching where I walked—”

“Oh, Marl wanted to sink into the ground with the slops. Lady Moreta. He rushed here to us with your gown and hovered in the washroom, fretting about the stains. You must have been furious to have a new gown ruined in the first wearing, before you had a chance to show it off or dance in it.” Oklina’s voice reflected her awe, which was quite understandable since she was obviously wearing a dress handed down from older sisters.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne