McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 1, 2

of Pem.

To her fell the task of supplying the Weyr, fostering its children, and Searching for likely candidates from hall and hold to pair with the newly hatched candidates. As life in the Weyrs was not only prestigious but easier for women and men alike, hold and hall were proud to have their children taken on Search and boasted of the illustrious members of the bloodline who had become dragon riders.

We begin our story toward the end of the Sixth Pass of the Red Star, some fourteen hundred Turns after men first came to Pem… .


Fort Weyr, Present Pass, 3.10.43-1541, and Ruatha Hold

“SH’GALL is OUT on other Weyr business,” Moreta told Nesso for the third time, beginning to loosen her sweat-and oil-stained tunic as a hint.

“His Weyr business should be accompanying you to Ruatha Gather.” Nesso’s voice had a whining note to it in the best of her humors. Now the Fort Weyr Headwoman was filled with aggrieved indignation at the fancied slight to her Weyrwoman, and her voice grated like a bone saw in Moreta’s ear.

“He saw Lord Alessan yesterday. A Gather is not a time to discuss serious matters.” Moreta rose, seeking to end an interview she hadn’t wanted to give, one that could continue as long as Nesso could dredge up complaints, real or imaginary, against Sh’gall. Their antagonism was mutual, and Moreta often found herself in the position of placating or explaining the one to the other. She could not change Sh’gall and was loathe to displace Nesso for, despite her faults, the woman was an exceedingly efficient and hard-working Headwoman. “I must bathe, Nesso, or I’ll be unpardonably late at Ruatha. I know you’ve arranged a good meal for those who remain. K’lon’s comfortable now that the fever has broken. Berchar will look in on him. Just leave him alone.”

2 Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern

Moreta fixed Nesso with an admonitory gaze, reinforcing her injunction. Nesso had an officious habit of “taking” Moreta’s place whenever the Weyrwoman was absent unless specifically ordered not to. “Away with you now, Nesso. You’ve enough to do, and I’m longing to be clean.” Moreta accompanied her words with & smile as she gave Nesso a gentle shove toward the exit from her sleeping room.

“Sh’gall should go with you. He should,” the irrepressible woman muttered as Moreta held aside the vivid door-curtain. Only when Nesso neared the sleeping queen dragon did she cease her impreca-tions.

Heavy with egg, Oriith dozed on, oblivious to the woman’s passing. The golden dragon had arranged herself on the stony couch so as not to mar the fine gleam of oil that Moreta had rubbed into her hide as part of the morning’s preparation for the Gather at Ruatha. Moreta was heading for her own much-needed wash when she was asked to examine K’lon, so she’d been late for her chat with Leri to be sure the old Weyrwoman had what she required for the day. Leri would have no ministrations from Nesso’s hands.

The interview with Nesso had proved unavoidable. The Headwoman had “heard” that Sh’gall and Moreta had “had words” that had caused the Weyrleader’s abrupt departure, dressed in riding gear rather than in his Gather finery. Nesso had also to be reassured that K’lon was not wasting from a virulent fever that would spread rapidly through the Weyr, it being only three days to a Fall.

Moreta stripped off her clothes. She ought to have been at the Gather long since, getting through the obligatory courtesies before the racing started.

“Oriith?” Moreta called softly, concentrating the strength of her gentle summons in her head. As always, the sleepy response of her queen cheered her of Nesso’s petulance. “Rouse yourself, my golden beauty. We’ll be leaving soon for Ruatha’s Gatherday.”

It’s still sunny at Ruatha? Oriith asked hopefully.

“It should be. T’ral did the morning sweep,” Moreta said, opening her robe chest. The new gown lay in gold and soft, warm-brown folds, colors that would accent Moreta’s eyes. “You know how accurate T’ral’s weather sense is.”

The dragon rumbled with satisfaction, and Moreta could hear her stretching and turning.

Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern 3

“Don’t roll too much now,” Moreta said politely.

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