McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 1, 2

Alessan smiled. “And senior at Fort Weyr.”

“As you are Lord of Ruatha.” She felt slightly defensive for, despite the innocuous and formal phrases, she sensed an undercurrent in his speech. Had Sh’gall discussed his Weyrwoman with a Lord Holder?


The fire-height is warm in the full sun, the dragon replied evasively, swinging her head toward her rider. The many facets of her eyes were tinged with the blue of longing.

“Off you go, dear heart.” Moreta gave Orlith’s shoulder a loving thump and then, with Alessan at her side, she walked from the dancing square. As they reached the edge, Orlith leaped, her broad wings clearing the ground in the first downward sweep. The dragon had

Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern 11

launched herself in a very shallow angle toward the sheer rock of Ruatha. As the queen flew a mere length above the stalls and gather-ers, Moreta could hear the spate of startled cries. Beside her, Alessan stiffened.

Do you know what you’re doing, my love? Moreta asked, reasonably but firm. You’re a bit egg-heavy for antics.

lam demonstrating the abilities of their queen. It will do them good and me no harm. See?

Orlith had judged her angle finely, though from Morcta’s perspective, she looked to be in danger of clipping her forearms on the cliff edge. But Orlith cleared the cliff easily and, dropping her shoulder, spun almost on wingtip. She set her hindquarters down directly over the Hold’s main entrance, in the space vacated by other dragons. Then she flipped her wings to her back, sank down, and rested her triangular head on her forearms.

Exhibitionist! Moreta sent without rancor. “She’s comfortable now, Lord Alessan.”

“I had heard of Orlith’s reputation for close flying,” he replied, his eyes flicking to the jewelry Moreta wore.

So the young Lord knew of the old Lord’s gift.

“An advantage in Threadfall.”

“This is a Gather.” With that slight emphasis on the pronoun, Alessan spoke as Lord Holder.

“And where is it more appropriate to display skill and craft and beauty?” Moreta gestured toward the gaily caparisoned stalls and the richly colored tunics and dresses of the crowd. She removed her hand from his arm, partly to show her annoyance with his criticism and partly to loosen her cloak. The chill of between had been replaced by the warmth of the afternoon sun. “Come now. Lord Alessan”—and she linked her arm through his again—“let us have no uncharitable words at your first Gather as Lord of Ruatha and my first outing since the winter solstice.”

They had reached the roadway and the stalls where people were .examining wares and bargaining. Moreta smiled up at Lord Alessan to prove her firm intention of enjoying herself. He looked down at her, blinking and creasing his dark brows slightly. His expression cleared to a smile, still reserved but considerably more genuine than his stiff formality.

“I fear I have none of my dam’s virtues. Lady Moreta.”

12 Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern

“And all of your sire’s vices?”

“My good Lord Leef had no vices,” Alessan said very properly, but his eyes had begun to gleam with an amusement that proved to Moreta that the man had at least a vestige of his sire’s humor.

“The races haven’t started yet?”

Alessan missed a stride and glanced sharply at her.

“No, not yet.” His tone was wary. “We have been waiting for late arrivals.”

“There seemed to be a good number at the pickets. How many races?” She gave him a quick glance. Didn’t he approve of racing?

“Ten races are planned, but the entries have been lighter than I had anticipated. You enjoy racing, Lady Moreta?”

“I came from a runnerhold in Keroon, Lord Alessan, and I have never lost my interest in the breed.”

“So you know where to place your wagers?”

“Lord Alessan,” she said in a determinedly light tone, “I never wager. The sight of a good race well run is always a pleasure and excitement enough.” His manner was still uncertain so she changed the subject. “I believe that we’ve missed the eastern visitors.”

“The Benden Weyrwoman and Weyrleader have only just left us.” Alessan’s eyes sparkled at having acted the host to such prestigious guests.

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