McCaffrey, Anne – The Coelura

Frustrated but undaunted, Caissa returned to her quarters. She changed into formal attire for surely Oriolii would join those gathered in the Function Room for the evening’s entertainments.

She wandered through the assemblage twice before she realized there were no unknown faces and that her sire wasn’t present. To her increasing dismay, she also overheard comment on all sides that, not only had the elusive Minister Baythan agreed to an heir-contract, but the Triad Rulers were to make an announcement of planetary significance at the official signing of that document. Why hadn’t she told Murell of her suspicions on that island? They had only been unsubstantiated suspicions then, the conclusions of privileged fact and coincidence. She would not really have dishonored her relationship with her sire by voicing mere speculation. Or would she?

She almost cried out with relief when her call ring tightened on her finger, indicating a message for her. Murell? She found the nearest unit in the Function hall and didn’t know whether to be annoyed or relieved that Trin timorously but urgently requested her to return to her apartment for a moment.

As Trin had never before interrupted her attendance at a function, Caissa couldn’t imagine what prompted the request but any excuse to leave served Caissa well. She used the fast lane, reserved for persons of her rank or official android messengers and might have missed the encounter had there been anyone else travelling at the moment. Something about the person in the slow channel opposite her caught her attention


Though he was dressed in plain service clothes and had his head averted, she knew a shock of recognition that couldn’t be denied

He glanced back as she swept by him, confirming her intuition.

“Murell! Wait!” she cried, skillfully turning and thrusting herself across the fast channel to catch him. “Please wait! Grab hold. There’s terrible danger for the coelura. Your accident might have been arranged. Please! Wait! Something has to be done!”

He had been half across into the fast channel to evade her when he paused, caught a handhold and pulled out of the stream to permit her to reach him. His face was as stern as it had been when she had admitted knowing of coelura. Since his clothing was dull as a servant’s ought to be, and not coelura, she could not measure his real feelings.

“Murell, I only heard today. My sire is Baythan and has contracted with an Oriolis Caverna—with a body-heir clause for her, since I am his. And I wish I weren’t for he is somehow betraying the coelura to the Triad.” Did she just imagine that he was relenting towards her? “The day I met you, he’d been hinting at achieving his mission here. It must involve coelura. He cannot realize what he is doing to those glorious creatures!” She began to weep with stress, her words tumbling through the sobs she tried to control. “I tried to leave the city to warn you but no one is permitted to leave. I went to the hangar, hoping … but I couldn’t get a craft. Then I found where the Oriolii were quartered …” she had his unreserved attention now, “but they are android guarded and I wasn’t coded for admittance despite the contract. I’ve been in the Function Room but there isn’t a single Oriolis present. I did try, Murell. I did try! If there is any way in which I can help, let me know. The coelura must not be made to spin!”

Unexpectedly, Murell captured her in his free arm and his voice soothingly repeated her name. He tilted her chin to make her look at him and then dried her tears as they drifted together in the backswirl of grav lap. She was astonished at his ministration and the kindness in his eyes.

“Be assured, Caissa, that the coelura are protected.”

“The Oriolii sanction the Caverna’s contract?”

Murell smiled oddly at some point over her head. “The benefits are manifold. The Oriolii may freely resume their position in the Triad. But I will avail myself of your offer …” he paused, bringing her hand to his lips, “of support if it is needed?”

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