Memories of Misnight by Sidney Sheldon

Chapter Twenty-nine

Confidential File

Transcript of Session with Wim Vandeen

A: How are you feeling today?

W: Okay. I came here in a taxi. The driver’s name is Ronald Christie. License plate three-oh-two-seven-one taxi certificate number three-oh-seven-oh. On the way here we passed thirty-seven Rovers, a Bentley, ten Jaguars, six Austins, one Rolls-Royce, twenty-seven motorcycles, and six bicycles.

A: How are you getting along at the office, Wim?

W: You know.

A: Tell me.

W: I hate the people there.

A: What about Catherine Alexander?…Wim, what about Catherine Alexander?…Wim?

W: Oh, her. She won’t be working there anymore.

A: What do you mean?

W: She’s going to be murdered.

A: What? Why do you say that?

W: She told me.

A: Catherine told you she’s going to be murdered?

W: The other one.

A: What other one?

W: His wife.

A: Whose wife, Wim?

W: Constantin Demiris.

A: He told you Catherine Alexander was going to be murdered?

W: Mrs. Demiris. His wife. She called me from Greece.

A: Who’s going to murder Catherine?

W: One of the men.

A: You mean one of the men who flew in from Athens?

W: Yes.

A: Wim, we’re going to end this session now. I have to leave.

W: Okay.

Chapter Thirty

The offices of the Hellenic Trade Corporation closed at six o’clock. A few minutes before six, Evelyn and the other employees were preparing to leave.

Evelyn walked into Catherine’s office. “Miracle on 34th Street is playing at the Criterion. It’s had great reviews. Would you like to see it tonight?”

“I can’t,” Catherine said. “Thanks, Evelyn. I promised Jerry Haley I’d go to the theater with him.”

“They really keep you busy, don’t they? All right. Have a good time.”

Catherine heard the sounds of the others leaving. Finally, there was silence. She took a last look at her desk, made sure everything was in order, put on her coat, picked up her purse, and started down the corridor. She had almost reached the front door when the telephone rang. Catherine hesitated, debating whether to answer it. She looked at her watch; she was going to be late. The telephone kept ringing. She ran back to her office and picked up the phone. “Hello.”

“Catherine.” It was Alan Hamilton. He sounded out of breath. “Thank God I reached you.”

“Is something wrong?”

“You’re in great danger. I believe someone is trying to kill you.”

She made a low moaning sound. Her worst nightmares were coming true. She felt suddenly dizzy. “Who?”

“I don’t know. But I want you to stay where you are. Don’t leave the office. Don’t talk to anyone. I’m coming to get you.”

“Alan, I…”

“Don’t worry, I’m on my way. Lock yourself in. Everything will be all right.”

The line went dead.

Catherine slowly replaced the receiver. “Oh, my God!”

Atanas appeared in the doorway. He took one look at Catherine’s pale face and hurried to her side. “Is something wrong, Miss Alexander?”

She turned to him. “Someone…someone is trying to kill me.”

He was gaping at her. “Why? Who…who would want to do that?”

“I’m not sure.”

They heard a knock at the front door.

Atanas looked at Catherine. “Should I…?”

“No,” she said quickly. “Don’t let anyone in. Dr. Hamilton’s on his way here.”

The knock at the front door was repeated, louder.

“You could hide in the basement,” Atanas whispered. “You’ll be safe there.”

She nodded nervously. “Right.”

They moved toward the back of the corridor, to the door that led to the basement. “When Dr. Hamilton comes, tell him where I am.”

“You won’t be afraid down there?”

“No,” Catherine said.

Atanas turned on a light and led the way down the basement stairs.

“No one will ever find you here,” Atanas assured her. “Don’t you have any idea who would want to kill you?”

She thought of Constantin Demiris and her dreams. He’s going to kill you. But that was only a dream. “I’m not sure.”

Atanas looked at her and whispered, “I think I know.”

Catherine stared at him. “Who?”

“Me.” There was suddenly a switchblade in his hand and he was holding it to her throat.

“Atanas, this is no time to play…”

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Categories: Sidney Sheldon