Memories of Misnight by Sidney Sheldon

Reynolds smiled. “Don’t worry. We’ll start you on a gentle slope, tomorrow. Let’s go.”

They put on sweaters and lined jackets and walked outside into the crisp, clear air.

Catherine breathed deeply. “Oh, it’s wonderful, Kirk. I love it here.”

“You ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” he grinned. “It’s twice as beautiful in the summer.”

Will he still want to see me in the summer? Catherine wondered. Or am I going to be a big disappointment to him? Why don’t I stop worrying so much?

The village of St. Moritz was charming, a medieval marvel, filled with quaint shops and restaurants and chalets set among the majestic Alps.

They wandered around the shops, and Catherine bought presents for Evelyn and Wim. They stopped at a little café and had a fondue.

In the afternoon, Kirk Reynolds hired a sleigh driven by a bay, and they rode along the snow-covered path up into the hills, the snow crunching beneath the metal runners.

“Enjoying?” Reynolds asked.

“Oh, yes.” Catherine looked at him and thought, I’m going to make you so happy. Tonight. Yes, tonight. I’m going to make you happy tonight.

That evening, they dined in the hotel at the Stubli, a restaurant with the atmosphere of an old country inn.

“This room dates back to 1480,” Kirk said.

“Then we’d better not order the bread.”


“Small joke. Sorry.”

Larry used to understand my jokes; why am I thinking about him? Because I don’t want to think about tonight. I feel like Marie Antoinette going to her execution. I won’t have cake for dessert.

The meal was superb, but Catherine was too nervous to enjoy it. When they had finished, Reynolds said, “Shall we go upstairs? I’ve arranged an early ski lesson for you in the morning.”

“Sure. Fine. Sure.”

They started upstairs, and Catherine found that her heart was pounding. He’s going to say, “Let’s go right to bed.” And why shouldn’t he? That’s what I came here for, isn’t it? I can’t pretend I came for the skiing.

They reached their suite, and Reynolds opened the door and turned on the lights. They walked into the bedroom and Catherine stared at the large bed. It seemed to take up the whole room.

Kirk was watching her. “Catherine…are you worried about anything?”

“What?” A hollow little laugh. “Of course not. I…I just…”

“Just what?”

She gave him a bright smile. “Nothing. I’m fine.”

“Good. Let’s get undressed and go to bed.”

Exactly what I knew he was going to say. But did he have to say it? We could have just gone ahead and done it. Putting it in words is so…so…crass.

“What did you say?”

Catherine had not realized that she had spoken aloud. “Nothing.”

Catherine had reached the bed. It was the largest she had ever seen. It was a bed that had been built for lovers, and lovers only. It was not a bed to sleep in. It was a bed to…

“Aren’t you going to get undressed, darling?”

Am I? How long has it been since I slept with a man? More than a year. And he was my husband.


“Yes.” I’m going to get undressed, and I’m going to get into bed, and I’m going to disappoint you. I’m not in love with you, Kirk. I can’t sleep with you.


He turned to her, half undressed. “Yes?”

“Kirk, I…Forgive me. You’re going to hate me, but I…I can’t. I’m terribly sorry. You must think I’m…”

She saw the look of disappointment on his face. He forced a smile. “Cathy, I told you I’d be patient. If you’re not ready yet, I…I understand. We can still have a wonderful time here.”

She kissed his cheek gratefully. “Oh, Kirk. Thank you. I feel so ridiculous. I don’t know what’s the matter with me.”

“There’s nothing the matter with you,” he assured her. “I understand.”

She hugged him. “Thank you. You’re an angel.”

“Meanwhile,” he sighed, “I’ll sleep on the couch in the living room.”

“No, you won’t,” Catherine declared. “Since I’m the one responsible for this dumb problem, the least I can do is see that you’re comfortable. I’ll sleep on the couch. You take the bed.”

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Categories: Sidney Sheldon