MIDNIGHT FALCON by David Gemmell

The tiger ceased to struggle. Bane found himself once more staring into those golden eyes. For a heartbeat it was as if their spirits touched. Then the head sagged. Rage dragged Bane clear. The young

Rigante knelt beside the tiger, laying his hand upon the creature’s flanks. It was still breathing. Bane felt the weight of a great sorrow touch him.

‘I am sorry, my friend,’ he said, stroking the fur. ‘You travelled a long way to die here.’

The tiger’s head twitched, and for a moment it seemed it would rise. Then the light faded from its eyes.

Rage knelt beside the younger man, examining the cuts on his shoulder. ‘They’re not too deep,’ he said, pulling Bane to his feet.

‘There are assassins at the perimeter,’ said Jasaray. ‘I do not know how many.’

‘Three less than there were,’ said Rage. ‘Let’s get you back into the palace.’

‘First let us take time to think,’ said Jasaray. ‘The entrance you came through was guarded, yes?’

‘Yes, Majesty,’ said Rage. ‘We killed three, but one escaped.’

There are two other entrances. We must assume they are also guarded. We must also assume, since so many assassins gained access to my private grounds, that some of my guards have been traduced.’ Jasaray sat down on the marble bench and gazed down at the dead tiger. ‘It is time to smoke out the termites,’ he said. ‘But first we must clear my grounds of traitors.’ He looked at Bane. ‘Can you still fight?’ he asked.

‘I can fight.’

Then let us seek out the other killers.’

Jasaray led Bane and Rage towards the first of the exits. As they came to it they saw the tiger’s cage had been wedged between the hedges. Rage moved close to the bars, and peered out. There was no sound or movement from beyond the cage. He and Bane pushed it clear. Three men ran from the shadows. Rage killed two in as many heartbeats. Bane blocked a knife thrust from the third, kicked his legs from under him, then, as he fell, slashed his gladius through the man’s throat. Jasaray stepped from the maze. ‘Nicely done,’ he said.

The third entrance was blocked by two upturned tables. There were no assassins there. Slowly they circled the maze. The grounds were empty.

An hour later Bane and Jasaray climbed a narrow, hidden staircase, which ended at a locked door.

‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ whispered Bane.

‘Life without risk is no life at all,’ Jasaray replied. He flicked open a latch, and the two men stepped out into the corridor some thirty feet away from Jasaray’s private apartments. Three guards stood outside the emperor’s rooms. As Jasaray stepped into sight they momentarily stood and gaped, then they snapped to attention. Jasaray, now wearing a pale grey tunic and sandals, advanced towards the guards. Bane stayed close to him, his sword in his hand.

‘It has been an interesting evening,’ said Jasaray. ‘Has anyone been enquiring after me?’

The first of the guards licked his lips nervously. ‘We thought you were asleep, Majesty,’ he said. His gaze flickered to the blood-smeared Bane.

‘I have not been asleep,’ said the emperor. ‘I have been struggling to avoid the attentions of a hungry tiger and a group of armed assassins running free in my grounds.’

The door to the apartments opened and Voltan moved into sight. He was wearing his black and silver armour, and was carrying a gladius. ‘You are a hard man to kill, Majesty,’ he said. The guards stepped aside and drew their swords. But they made no attempt to attack or restrain Voltan.

‘You are a thorough man,’ said the emperor softly. ‘How many of my guards have you turned against me?’

‘These three only,’ said Voltan. ‘You chose well with the others. Singularly loyal and dreadfully dull.’

Bane stood silently by, ready for the attack. Jasaray seemed unconcerned. ‘You might have waited until my death before invading my apartments,’ he told Voltan. ‘It is such bad manners.’

‘My apologies, Majesty,’ answered Voltan, with a smile. ‘I wouldn’t want to be considered rude. But I thought a dozen men and a tiger would be enough. Are you ready to die now?’

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Categories: David Gemmell