MIDNIGHT FALCON by David Gemmell

‘I will look into the matter. What herbs will you need?’

‘A small amount of figwort seed, and leaves from a number of flowering plants, including marigold. Also some nettles. And some oil, perfumed with lavender. I shall return with these items tomorrow, and the healing can begin.’

Nalademus pushed himself to his feet. ‘My guards will go with you, and you will return with them within the hour. The healing will begin tonight,’ he said.

Just under two hours later Banouin was ushered into the lavish private apartments of Nalademus, the Stone elder. Velvet curtains hung over the windows, and ornaments of gold and silver adorned the many shelves and tables. The couches were all covered with richly embroidered silk, and even the lanterns glinted with gold.

Nalademus was sitting propped up on a couch, cushions all around him. In the lantern light his face had a waxy sheen. He had removed his crimson robe, and the bare flesh of his shoulders seemed impossibly stretched and swollen.

Banouin placed his medicine pack on a table.

‘Did you obtain all you needed?’ asked Nalademus.

‘Yes, lord. Though the apothecary was terrified to see Knights of Stone at his door.’

‘Terror has its uses,’ said the sick man. The two guards positioned themselves by the door, and stood silently. ‘You mentioned figwort earlier,’ said Nalademus. ‘I take it you mean to use the seed.’

‘Yes, lord. It will help your heart.’

‘I understand the seed is a deadly poison.’

‘Indeed it is,’ agreed Banouin. ‘A little too much and the patient dies. I will not use too much.’

Nalademus’s head sagged back on the cushion. ‘What I told you about hot irons was no idle threat. You understand this?’

‘I understand. Now what you must understand is that I need you to relax. Your body is under great stress, and that is not helping your heart. What have your own surgeons prescribed?’

‘I have been bled constantly, and I have swallowed several gallons of noxious potions. Now you will prepare me another.’

Banouin mixed some ground seeds with powdered camomile and elder flower, then added it to a goblet of water. This he passed to Nalademus. The Stone elder drained it in a single swallow. ‘Lean your head back on the cushion,’ said Banouin, ‘and close your eyes.’ Nalademus did so. Banouin took hold of his right arm. The flesh was clammy and hot. Closing his eyes Banouin gathered his Talent, then let it flow within the stricken body. The heart, as he had feared, was not strong, and the kidneys were on the point of collapse. He waited for the digitalis to begin its work. This would have an immediate twofold action, as Vorna had explained to him years before. The heart contractions would be strengthened, the beat slowed. This meant increased power to the muscle, and a longer period of relaxation between beats. With Nalademus there would also be a third advantage. Pressure from a stronger heart would force more blood into his fading kidneys, aiding the diuretic effect. This alone, however, would not save Nalademus. In normal circumstances, even with the aid of digitalis he would be dead within weeks.

Still holding onto the man’s arm Banouin strengthened the kidneys, and directed energy into the liver, which was also in the first stages of terminal disease.

‘I feel it working,’ whispered Nalademus. ‘There is not so much pain. You have done well.’

‘I need you to lie upon the floor, lord,’ said Banouin.

‘I will not be able to breathe.’

‘Yes you will. Your heart is stronger now. But I have to help move the water that is flooding your muscle tissue.’ This was a lie. It was important, however, for Nalademus to believe that the healing was the result of physical medicine and natural practices. Banouin had no wish for his power to be recognized.

He helped Nalademus to stretch out on a thick rug, and placed a cushion under his head. Then he began a series of smooth massaging strokes on the man’s chest, shoulders and arms. Lastly he placed his hands on the Stone elder’s temples, and gently pressed his fingers to the skin. Nalademus closed his eyes and his breathing deepened.

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Categories: David Gemmell