Mother of Demons by Eric Flint

Let the Tympani of Ansha whistle.

Once only did Rottu’s mind drift from her scheme. Dawn was approaching, and the sight of it creeping into the Mother-of-Pearl brought back an old memory.

The same sky, long ago, had once been marked by a strange and terrible sign. Rottu herself had seen it, and had trembled with fear. But, along with all other gukuy, the passing of many eightyweeks had faded the memory.

Until, not so very long ago, word had come to Shakutulubac from the mountain. The first small party of Pilgrims sent to the Chiton by Ushulubang, in search of a place of refuge, reported. Astonishing report. There were demons on the mountain. Demons who said they came from beyond the world.

Rottu had deciphered the strange numbers of the demons. She would never forget the thrill of terror which struck her soul like a lightning bolt, when she realized that the demons had left that mark in the sky, long ago. The world itself had turned red with fear at their coming.

And now, Ushulubang had decided to embrace this new and mysterious power. To seek out the Mother of Demons, and her terrible children.

The Mother of Demons. The one being in the world, said the Pilgrims on the mountain, who knew the secrets of the future. But would not speak of them. Not even to her own children.

So be it. Let mighty Ansha flush scarlet with fear.

Eightdays later, however, when the truth became known, mighty Ansha did not glow red with fear. Blue fury was the color which flushed the mantles of the awosha, when they finally realized how thoroughly they had been duped.

The Pilgrims had evaded the pogrom. They were gone, all of them. Even the accursed traitor Ushulubang.

Gone where? None knew.

Executions were ordered.

Who then were the victims of the mob?

Informers. The mob had destroyed most of the Tympani informers.

Blue outrage. Intolerable incompetence.

The ranks of the Tympani were further thinned.

How was such a fiasco possible?

Investigations were ordered. Scarlet-tinged Tympani pursued the trail of evidence with great zeal. A tangled, twisted trail. But eventually, the culprit was found. Her name reported to the awosha.

Rottu? The awosha mantles glowed orange astonishment. Rottu?

Yes. It is certain.

Arrest her!

With Tympani officials in the lead, a squad of warriors raced through the halls of the Divine Shell. In the quarters of the highest-ranked members of the clan, they found the door to Rottu’s quarters. The door was smashed open by the warriors. Flushed blue with fury and black with implacable purpose, the Tympani burst within.

And found nothing. No trace of Rottu, beyond a disgusting, scavenger-covered little pile on the floor.

Rottu’s last shit.

Chapter 4

“The demons will protect the Old Ones,” argued Kopporu. “And even if they do not, how can the Kiktu save the Old Ones if we ourselves are destroyed?”

Even before she heard the derisive whistling, Kopporu knew that she had lost the debate. She was universally recognized as the Kiktu’s greatest battle leader, despite her relative youth. But she was not a clan leader, and this was not a battle. This was a full meeting of the tribal leaders, where clan status and venerable age weighed heavily in the balance.

And our ancient leaders have grown stiff in their minds, she thought bitterly. They have come to believe in the myth of Kiktu invulnerability.

Even as the thought came to her, one of the old clan leaders spoke.

“The Kiktu have never been defeated!” orated Taktoko. “Never!”

Not in living memory, no. But we too were once a small and unknown tribe, like the Utuku, until our conquests made us famed and feared. Like the Utuku.

“Does not even the Ansha Prevalate fear our flails?” demanded Taktoko. “Have not even their mighty legions whistled in fear at our onslaught?”

A chorus of loud hoots echoed her sentiments. Encouraged, Taktoko continued her peroration.

“The Ansha Prevalate only survives due to our benevolence! Should we choose, even they would fall before our flails!”

A few, faint hoots greeted this last claim. Most of the leaders present maintained a discreet silence.

At least they are not totally mad, thought Kopporu. Taktoko is an idiot. She cannot see the difference between defeating a few invading Anshac legions and conquering Ansha itself. If the Kiktu ever tried to conquer Ansha, we would be destroyed. For that matter, if the Anshac ever seriously attempted to conquer our lands, we would be forced to give way. Just as we will before the Utuku. Except the Utuku will not be satisfied with our lands. They will devour us whole.

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Categories: Eric, Flint