Mustang Man by Louis L’Amour

Reinhardt’s wagon moved out, and I let them get a start. I was driving a team of big Missouri mules, eight of them, and they handled nice. I’d always liked handling the straps on a good team.

We moved slowly while getting lined out, slower than a man could walk. I was watching for the marks I’d chosen and it was not many minutes after the wagons pulled out that I drew up. The wagon ahead was rolling on. I listened for a while, but there was no sound.

My hands wound the reins around the brake and I got down carefully, as quietly as possible. Penelope might be in with Sylvie and them, but if she wasn’t they would certainly be watching the wagon train move out. They would know that she had the gold, and that she must pick it up somewhere along the line. Would they be watching me too?

Climbing down the small bank off the road, I went into the trees, pausing from moment to moment to listen. I heard no sound that seemed out of place, and I stooped to pick up the pack saddles. Behind me I thought I heard a faint stir among the pine needles and junipers. Crouching, I listened, but heard nothing more.

I reached down into the hollow and lifted the first pack saddle out, then the second. I had been going to carry them both, but if I did I would be helpless if attacked. It was not so quick a thing to let go of such a weight and grab a gun … One at a time then.

Picking up the first, I swung it to my shoulder and, keeping my free hand on my gun, walked back to the bank. There I needed the free hand to help me climb. I scrambled up and placed the pack saddle and its gold in the wagon, then went back for the second.

As I crouched by the second load, I listened again. I could hear the now distant, subdued sounds of the wagons—there was no special sound from Penelope’s wagon. But I thought I heard something stirring up ahead. Taking up the second load, I lifted it to my shoulder and walked slowly and carefully to the bank. I put the gold down on the bank and, turning, looked all around, listening.

Nothing moved. Getting up on the roadbed quickly, I picked up the gold and lifted it into the wagon, then drew the tarpaulin over it and tied it in place.

I was standing beside the mules when I heard someone walking along the road. As he came up I saw that it was Reinnardt.

“Sackett? That girl’s been out there ten minutes or more. What’s this all about, d’you know?”

“I guess she had some packages she wanted picked up. Things look different in the dark and she’s probably looking for them.”

“Is that all?”

He was a good man, Ollie had said, and an honest man, no doubt. “Look,” I said, “you better stay by your team. There’s trouble in this, and there’s no use in your getting shot over something that’s no part of your business.”

“Hell, I’m not afraid.”

“Of course you’re not, but that’s not the point. You could get killed out there, and to no purpose.”

“If that girl’s in trouble—”

“Take it from me, she can handle it. Or I can. You sit tight.” One hand checked my gun. “I’ll go get her.”

I had no urge to go down into that black patch of juniper with Penelope down there, and the Lord only knew how many others. The smart thing to do was to stay right where I was and let her get out under her own power.

All I would get down there was trouble. Nevertheless, that girl was down there alone, and like a damned fool I went after her.

At this point there was no bank—the road was level with the woods. Knee-high brush grew alongside the trail and I tried to step over it to avoid sound, but I made a little.

First off, I headed for that broken-off tree where she’d had the gold hidden. When I was almost there, something moved near me, and I smelled a faint perfume.


A body moved against mine and a hand took my arm, a woman’s fingers closing gently on my wrist. Suddenly those fingers tightened and my wrist was jerked back, and at the same time I felt her body move close to mine with a quick, violent movement. My wide silver buckle that held my gun belt saved me, that and my own reaction, for as the point of the knife hit the silver and was deflected upward. My hand swept down in a blind, instinctive action and struck her arm on the inside of the elbow.

Like I said, I’m a big man, and mighty strong, and that sudden blow must have numbed her arm. She dropped the knife and I heard it hit the ground. The next instant the whole place was lit by a tremendous blaze of light. Somebody had dropped a match into the top of that dead pine.

Now, anybody who has ever seen fire hit dead pine would know what happened then. It went up in one tremendous burst of crackling, spitting flame, lighting the entire area. And across the space in front of me was Ralph Karnes, and not far away Noble Bishop.

In the instant the light leaped up, Bishop saw me and I saw him, and both of us knew the cards were on the table. His hand dropped for his gun, and my instinct must have triggered my muscles even before my brain realized the necessity, for my gun sprang to my hand … a split second faster than his.

I felt the sharp whip of the bullet as it cut by my neck, and I saw Bishop crumple and begin to fall. He caught himself with his left hand on a tree branch and started to bring his gun around on me. I shot into him again.

Karnes shot, but he was no gunfighter and he shot too quick. He must have pulled the trigger instead of squeezing, because he missed me. I didn’t miss him. He backed up, clawing at his chest and spitting, then fell into the leaves, where he threshed around like a wild animal for a moment, then was still.

The brief burst of flame was dying down, and I looked around for Penelope. She was standing where the gold had been, almost as if unaware of all that had happened, just standing there saying over and over again, “It’s gone … it’s gone.”

From the direction of town I could hear excited yells, and I saw a lantern bobbing in the distance as someone came toward us.

Without a word, I picked up Penelope and carried her to my wagon. “Get rolling!” I said to Reinhardt. “Try to catch up with the others. I’ll take care of her.”

“She all right?”

“Sure … now get going. I want to get out of here.”

Reinhardt moved ahead and swung to his wagon. I put Penelope on the seat of mine, then climbed up beside her and took the reins from around the brake handle.

Reinhardt was moving out, and we followed. Mentally I counted my shots. Two bullets left in the pistol, no chance to load while driving the mules. The rifle was right behind me, within reach of my hand.

Suddenly, as the wagon began to move, Penelope came to life. “No, no! I can’t go! The gold is back there! I’ve got to find it!”

“It isn’t there,” I said calmly. “It was moved within a short time after you hid it.”

She turned on me. “How do you know that?”

“Relax,” I said. “It’s a long ride to Santa Fe.”

“I don’t want to go to Santa Fe! I want that gold!”

“They wanted it, too—Sylvie, Bishop, and them. Look what it got them.”

Reinhardt’s wagon had stopped again, then after a moment it started on.

“I need that gold,” she said stubbornly. “I’ve got to have it. I don’t know how to make a living, and there aren’t any jobs for women.”

“You could get married.”

“When I marry I don’t want it to be because I need someone to take care of me. I want to marry for love.”

“Romantic,” I said coolly,

“Well, I don’t care—it’s the way I feel!”

“You have all that gold, somebody would marry you because he wanted somebody to take care of him.”

Reinhardt was sure doing an erratic job of driving. He had stopped again. I sat there, holding the lines, waiting for him to get going again.

“You couldn’t find that gold now anyway. That place back there will be overrun with folks trying to figure out who shot who. If you figure to go back, you’d better wait a few weeks.”

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Categories: L'Amour, Loius