Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

sudden ferocity. “Things wouldn’t be the same without


There was a soft pop in the air, and she was gone. I was

alone in Perv, the nastiest of the known dimensions.

Chapter Two:

“They don’t make ’em like they used to!”


ACTUALLY, I WASN’T as worried as you might think I’d

be from the situation. Like I’d told Massha, I had an ace

up my sleeve . . . and it was a beaut!

A while back, I was part . . . heck, I was the instigator

of a plan to force the Mob out of the Bazaar at Deva. I felt

it was only fair, since I was the one who had given them

access to the Bazaar in the first place, and besides, the

Devan Merchants’ Association had paid me well to get the

Mob off their backs. Of course that was before the Mob

hired me to run their interests at the Bazaar, and the Bazaar

agreed to give me a house and pay me a percentage of the

profits to keep the Mob at bay. Sound confusing? It was . . .

a little. Fortunately, Aahz had shown me how the two assign-

ments weren’t mutually exclusive and that it was ethically

possible to collect money from both sides . .. well, possible,

anyway. Is it any wonder that I prize his counsel so highly?

However, I digress.

During the initial skirmishes of that campaign, I had ac-



Robert Asprin

quired a litle souvenir that I had almost forgotten about until

I was getting ready for this quest. It wasn’t much to look

at, just a small vial with its stopper held in place by a wax

seal, but I figured it just might mean the difference between

success and failure.

I probably could have mentioned it to Massha, but frankly

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