Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

“It’s how you police protect the upstanding citizens from

merchants like me who are too poor to afford a storefront.

I suppose it is a lot safer than taking on the real criminals

who might shoot back. We should be grateful to our defen-

ders of the law. If it wasn’t for them, the dimension would

probably be overrun with street vendors and parking vio-


I should have been grateful for the diversion after being

on the hot seat myself for so long. Unfortunately, I had also

logged in a fair amount of time as the Great Skeeve, and

as such was much more accustomed to being hassled than

I was to being overlooked.

“I believe the question was ‘Are we or are we not being

124 Robert Asprin

charged with any crimes?’ ” I said pointedly. “I’m still

waiting for an answer.”

The captain glowered at me for a few moments, but when

I didn’t drop my return gaze, he heaved a sigh.

“No. We won’t be bringing any charges against you at

this time.”

“Then we’re free to go?”

“Well, there are a few more questions you’ll have to

answer first. After that, you’re free to …”

“That’s ‘more’ as in new questions, not the same ones

all over again. Right?”

The policeman glared at me, but now that I knew we

were in the clear, I was starting to have fun with this.

“That’s right,” he said through gritted teeth.

“Okay. Shoot.”

I suddenly realized that was an unfortunate use of words

in a room full of armed policemen, but it escaped unnoticed.

The captain cleared his throat noisily before continuing.

“Mister Skeeve,” he began formally, “do you wish to

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