Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

What that means, incidentally, is that he doesn’t have to

pay any taxes, even the existing ones, although he expects

the same protection from us as the storekeepers who do,

even though most of them cheat on their taxes as well.”

“So we’re supposed to keep the peace and apprehend

criminals while we’re understaffed and using equipment

that’s outdated and falling apart. About all we have to work

with is our instincts . . . and then we get hassled for using


He came to a halt in front of me, and pushed his face

close to mine, treating me to another blast of his breath. I

didn’t point it out to him.

“Well this time we’re going to see just how good my

instincts are. I’m letting you go for now, but it occurs to

me it might be a good idea to run a check on you on other

dimensions. If you’re just an innocent businessman like you

claim, we won’t find anything … but if I’m right,” he

gave me a toothy grin, “you’ve probably tangled with the

law before, and we’ll find that too. I’m betting you’ve left

a trail of trouble behind you, a trail that leads right to here.

If so, we’ll be talking again . . . real soon. I don’t want

you to switch hotels or try to leave the dimension without

letting me know, understand? I want to be able to find you

again, MISTER Skeeve!”

Chapter Fourteen:

‘Parting is such sweet sorrow.”


THE POSSIBILITY OF an extensive check on my off-dimen-

sion background worried me, but not so much that I forgot

my manners. J.R. had saved my skin in the alley fight,

and, throughout the police grilling, a part of my mind had

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