Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

wanted a chance to have his say, and I was going to do my

best to not interrupt. I owed him that much.

“Ever since we met, you’ve been talking about right and

wrong as if they were absolutes. According to you, things

are either right or they’re wrong . . . period. ‘Was Aahz

right to leave?’ . . . Are you wrong to try to bring him

back? . . . Well, my young friend, life isn’t that simple.

Not only are you old enough to know that, you’d better

learn it before you drive yourself and everyone around you

absolutely crazy!”

He began to float back and forth in the air in front of me

with his hands clasped behind his back. I supposed it was

his equivalent of pacing.

“It’s possible for you, or anyone else to not be right and

still not be wrong, just as you can be right from a business

standpoint, but wrong from a humanitarian viewpoint. The

worlds are complex, and people are a hopless tangle of

contradictions. Conditions change not only from situation

to situation.and person to person, but from moment to mo-

ment as well. Trying to kid yourself that there’s some master

key to what’s right and wrong is ridiculous . . . worse than

that, it’s dangerous, because you’ll always end up feeling

incompetent and inadequate when it eludes you.”

Even though I was having trouble grasping what he was

saying, that last part rang a bell. It described with uncom-

138 Robert Asprin

fortable accuracy how I felt about myself more often than

not! I tried to listen more closely.

“You’ve got to accept that life is complicated and often

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