Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

frustrating. What’s right for you may not be right for Aahz.

There are even times when there is no right answer . . .

just the least objectionable of several bad choices. Recognize

that, then don’t waste time and energy wondering why it is

or railing that it’s unfair . . . accept it.”

“I … I’ll try,” I said “but it’s not easy.”

“Of course it’s not easy!” the Djin shot back. “Who

ever said it was easy? Nothing’s easy. Sometimes it’s less

difficult than at other times, but it’s never easy. Part of your

problem is that you keep thinking things should be easy, so

you assume the easy way is the right way. Case in point:

You knew it would be hard to ask me to stay on after I had

fulfilled the contract, so you decided the right thing to do

was not to ask . . . ignoring how hard it would be for you

to keep hunting for Aahz without me.”

“But if it would be easier for me if you stayed …”

“That’s right. It’s a contradiction,” Kalvin grinned.

“Confusing, isn’t it? Forget right and wrong for a while.

What do you want?”

That one was easy.

“I’d like you to stay and help me look for Aahz,” I said


The Djin smiled and nodded.

“Not a chance,” he replied.


“Did I stutter? I said …”

“I know what you said!” I cut him off. “It’s just that

you said … I mean before you said …”

“Oh, there’s no problem in your asking me … or in

your terms. I’m just not going to stay.”

By now my head was spinning with confusion, but I tried


to maintain what little poise I had left.

” … But I thought… Oh, well. I guess I was mistaken.”

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