Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

“No you weren’t. If you had asked me in the first place,

I would have stayed.

“Then why . . .”I began, but the Djin waved me into


“I’m sorry, Skeeve. I shouldn’t tease you with head

games at a time like this. What changed my mind was

something you said while you were explaining why you

didn’t ask. You said you were scared and insecure, which

is only sane, all things considered. But then you added

something about how you were afraid to trust your own

judgment and therefore needed someone else along to tell

you whether you were right or not.”

He paused and shook his head.

“I can’t go along with that. I realized then that if I stayed,

I’d fall into the same trap all your other colleagues have . . .

of inadvertently doing your thinking for you when we ex-

press our own opinions. The sad thing is that we aren’t,

really. You decide yourself what advice you do and don’t

listen to. The trouble is, you only remember when you go

against advice and it goes wrong . . . like when you got

drunk tonight. Any correct judgment calls you assume were

made by your ‘advisors.’ Well, you’ve convinced me that

you’re a right guy, Skeeve. Now all you have to do is

convince yourself. That’s why I’m going to head on back

to Djinger and let you work this problem out on your own.

Right or wrong, there’ll be no one to take the credit or share

the blame. It’s all yours. I’m betting your solution will be


He held out his hand. I took it and carefully shook hands

with this person who had been so much help to me.

“I … well, thanks, Kalvin. You’ve given me a lot to

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