Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

think about.”


Robert Asprin

“It’s been a real pleasure, Skeeve . . . really. Good luck

in finding our friend. Oh, say …”

He dug something out of his waistband and placed it in

my hand. As he released it, it grew into a full-sized business


“That’s my address on Djinger. Stay in touch . . . even

if it’s just to let me know how this whole thing turns out.”

“I will,” I promised. “Take care of yourself, Kalvin . . .

and thanks again!”

“Oh, and one more thing . . . about your having problems

with your friends? Forget trying to be strong. Your real

strength is in being a warm, caring person. When you try

to be strong, it comes across as being cold and insensitive.

Think about it.”

He gave one last wave, folded his arms, and faded from


I stared at the empty space for a few moments, then

started the walk back to my hotel alone. I knew where it

was . . . what I didn’t know was where Djinger was.

Chapter Fifteen:

“Easy credit terms available …”


“I HEAR YOU got jumped last night.”

I paused in mid-move of easing myself into the cab’s

back seat to give the cabbie a long stare.

“… And good morning to you, too, Edvick,” I said

drily. “Yes, thank you, I slept very well.”

My sarcasm was not lost on the driver … a fact for

which I was secretly grateful. Sometimes I have cause to

wonder about my powers of communication.

“Hey! Nothing personal. It’s just that people talk, ya


“No, I don’t . . . but I’m learning.”

It seemed that however large and populated Perv appeared

to be, there was a thriving network of gossip lurking just

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