Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

out of sight.

I had come down early, hoping to have a chance to talk

with J.R., but between my room and the front door I had

been stopped by two bellhops and the desk clerk, all of

whom knew that I had been in a fight the night before. Of

Robert Asprin


course, they each expressed their sympathies … in varying

degrees. As I recall, the desk clerk’s sympathy went some-

thing like “You’re, welcome to use the hotel safe for your

valuables, sir … but we can’t accept responsibility for any



I had rapidly discovered that I wasn’t wild about the idea

of my escapade being discussed by the general populace.

Especially not since it ended with a session with the police.

Even though he had noted my displeasure at discussing

the prior night’s incident, Edvick seemed determined not to

let the subject die as we started on our way.

“I told you you should have gotten a bodyguard,” he

lectured. “Carrying that kind of cash around is just askin’

for trouble.”

“Funny, the police said the same thing . . . about the

cash, I mean.”

“Well they’re right… for a change. Things are danger-

ous enough around here without drawing unnecessary atten-

tion to yourself.”

I leaned back in the seat and closed my eyes. I hadn’t

slept well, but the brief time I had spent in a horizontal

position had allowed my muscles to tighten, and I ached all


“So, I discovered,” I said. “Oh well, it’s over now.

Besides, I didn’t do such a bad job of taking care of myself.”

“The way I heard it, someone showed up to help bail

you out,” Edvick pointed out bluntly, “and even then it

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