Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

was touch and go. Don’t kid yourself about it being over,

though. You’d just better hope your luck holds the next


Suddenly, my aching muscles were no longer the main

claim to my attention.


“Next time?” I said, sitting up straight. “What next


“I don’t want to sound pessimistic,” the cabbie shrugged,

“but I figure it’s a given. Those guys you messed up are

going to be back on the street today, and will probably

devote a certain amount of their time and energy trying to

find you for a rematch.”

“You think so?”

“Then again, even if I’m wrong, the word is out that

you’re carrying a good sized wad around with you. That’s

going to make you fair game for every cheap hoodlum

looking to pick up some quick cash.”

I hadn’t stopped to consider, it, but what Edvick was

saying made sense. All I needed to make my mission more

difficult was to have to be watching my back constantly at

the same time!

“I’m sorry, what was that again?” I said, trying to con-

centrate on what the driver was saying.

“Huh? Oh, I was just sayin’ again that what you should

really do is hire a bodyguard . . . same as I’ve been sayin’

right along.”

He had been saying that all along, and Kalvin had agreed

with him. I had poo-pooed the idea originally, but now I

was forced to reexamine my stance on the matter.

“Nnnnno,” I said, finally, talking to myself. “I can’t


“Why not?” Edvick chimed in, adding his two cents to

the argument drawing to a close in my mind.

“Well, the most overpowering reason is that I can’t afford

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