Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

“I see.”

He ran his eyes over me, and much of the warmth went

out of the room. I was suddenly acutely aware of how I

was dressed.

After overdressing for my interview with the Butterfly,

I had decided to stick with my normal, comfortable, informal

appearance. I had anticipated that bankers would be more

conservative than financiers, and that a bank would probably

be equipped to detect disguise spells, so it would be wisest

if I was as open and honest as possible. Courtesy of a crash

course by Bunny, my administrative assistant, on how to

dress, my wardrobe was nothing to be embarrassed about,

but I probably didn’t look like most of the businessmen

Malcolm was used to dealing with. His visual assessment


of me reminded me of the once-over I would get when

encountering a policeman . . . only more so. I had a feeling

the banker could tell me how much money I had in my

pockets down to the loose change.

“What line of work did you say you were in. Mister


I noted that the “Mister” had reappeared, but wasn’t up

to arguing over it.

“I’m a magician . . . Well, actually I’m the president of

an association of magicians … a corporation.”

I managed to stop there before I started babbling. I’ve

noticed a tendency in myself to run on when I’m nervous.

“… And the name of your corporation?”

“Urn . . . M.Y.T.H. Inc.”

He jotted the information down on a small notepad.

“Your home offices are on Klah?”

“No. We operate out of Deva … At the Bazaar.”

He glanced up at me with his eyebrows raised, then caught

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