Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

you aren’t carrying a big wad anymore doesn’t mean the

muggers know it.”

“Good point. I …”

“Then again, there’s the gang that might still be after

you for roughing them up last night …”

“Okay. Why don’t we …”

“… And there’s still an ax murderer loose somewhere

around your hotel …”

“Enough! I get the picture! Let’sgofindabodyguard.”

It occurred to me that if I listened to Edvick long enough,

I’d either want more than one bodyguard or decide not to

set foot outside my room at all.

“Good,” my guide declared, rubbing his hands together

as the cab commenced its now familiar swerving. “I think

I know just the person.”

Settling back in my seat, it occurred to me that Edvick

would probably get a kickback from this bodyguard he was

lining me up with. That would explain his enthusiasm to

get us together. I banished the thought as a needless suspi-


The alert reader may have noticed that with the exception


of a vague reference to the fat lady in the department store,

I have said absolutely nothing about female Pervects.

There’s a reason for that. Frankly, they intimidate me.

Now don’t get me wrong, male Pervects are quite fear-

some, as can be ascertained by my accounts of my friend

and partner, Aahz. On the whole, they are big and muscular

and would just as soon break you in two as look at you.

Still, they possess a certain rough and tumble sense of

humor, and are not above blustering a bit. All in all, they

remind me of a certain type of lizard: the kind that puffs

itself up and hisses when it!s threatened … it can give a

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