Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

tell she was tall, taller than me, anyway. Where Pervish

males, as typified by Aahz, were generally built like walls, |

she was as slender and supple as a whip … a rapier to

their ax. I’ve mentioned that the men reminded me of lizards, |

well, she made me think of a poisonous snake . . . graceful

and beautiful without being attractive. She was wearing a

dark waist-length cape that was almost a poncho except it

was open in front, revealing a form-fitting jumpsuit under-

neath. Even a violence know-nothing like me could tell the

cape would be perfect for producing and vanishing weapons

with unsettling ease. Overall, she impressed me as being

the most deadly woman I had ever met . . . realizing I

haven’t met that many green, bald, scaly women.

” I hear you drink,” she said bluntly, breaking the silence.

“Not well… and, after last night, not often,” Ireturned.

That earned me a curt nod.

“Good. A girl’s got to watch her reputation.”

It never even occurred to me that she might be referring

to her way with me. She was stating quite simply that if

anything happened to me while she was on guard, her pro-

fessional status would suffer. What’s more, she didn’t want

to risk that reputation on a fool. As one inclined to talk too

much, I was impressed with how much she could communi-

cate with so few words.

“Ever work with a bodyguard before?”

“Yes. I have two back on Deva. They were . . . busy

elsewhere, so I came to Perv alone.”


There was a flicker in her eye and a slight tightening of

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