Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

my thing.”

“You really didn’t have to put on a demonstration for

me. I don’t have any doubts about your abilities.”

Pookie glanced at me.

“Not for you,” she corrected. “For them . . . the folks

watching here on the street. It was my way of announcing


that you’re covered now and they should keep their dis-


That possibility had never occurred to me.

“Oh,” I said. “Well, I guess I should stick with my

business and let you handle yours.”

“Agreed,” she nodded, “though I’ll admit the way you

do business puzzles me a bit. Sorry, but I couldn’t help but

overhear your dealings there.”

‘ ‘What? You mean my insisting on a contract? The reason

I pushed for it there and not for our deal is that it was a

long-term investment as opposed to a straight-forward pur-

chase of services.”

“That isn’t it.”

“What is it then .

little more generous

is …”

the contract terms? Maybe I was a

than I had to be, but the situation

I broke off as I realized the bodyguard was staring hard

at me.

“What I meant,” she said flatly, “was that before I put

money into a business, I’d want to know what it was.”

“You heard him. It’s a wholesale/dealer operation.”

“Yes, but what’s he selling?”

I didn’t answer that one because I didn’t have an answer.

In my eagerness to do J.R. a good turn, I had completely

forgotten to ask what kind of business he was starting!

Chapter Seventeen:

“Bibbity . . . bobbity …”


BRIGHT AND EARLY the next morning, I launched into the

next phase of my search for Aahz. The Butterfly had con-

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