Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

There was an iron fence surrounding the school in token

protection from intrusion, but the gate stood wide open. I

peered out the windows of the cab in curiosity as we drove


up to what Edvick said was the administration building,

hoping to catch a glimpse of the students practicing their

lessons, but was disappointed. The people I saw were much

more interested in being young—skylarking and flirting with

each other—than in demonstrating their learning to a casual

visitor. I did, however, notice there were more than a few

students from off-dimension in their number. Either the

school was much more tolerant of off-worlders than the rest

of the dimension, or they simply weren’t as picky about

who they accepted money from. I never did get a chance

to find out which it really was.

After a few inquiries, I was shown into the office of the

head record keeper. That individual listened carefully to my

story, though he was so still and outwardly calm that I found

myself fighting a temptation to make a face at him in mid-

sentence just to see if he was really p’aying attention. I have

a hunch I would not do well in a formal educational environ-


“I see,” he said, once I had ground to a halt. “Well,

your request seems reasonable. Aahz . . . Aahz … I don’t

recall the name off-hand, but it does ring some sort of a

bell. Oh well, we can check it easily enough. GRETTA!?”

In response to his call, a young female Pervect appeared

in the office door. She glanced quickly at Pookie who was

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