Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

leaning against the wall behind me, but except for that

ignored my bodyguard as completely as the record keeper


“Yes sir?”

“Gretta, this is Mr. Skeeve. He’s trying to locate someone

who might have been a student here. I’d like you to help

him locate the appropriate file in the archives . . . if it

exists. Mr. Skeeve, this is Gretta. She’s one of the appren-

tices here who helps us … is something wrong?”

166 Robert Asprin

I had suddenly drawn back the hand I had been extending

to shake hands with Gretta, and the record keeper had noted

the move.

“Oh, nothing . . . really,” I said embarrassed. I quickly

reached out and shook the offered hand. “It’s a … bad

habit I learned from Aahz. I really should break it. You

were saying?”

The record keeper ignored my efforts to cover the social


“What bad habit is that?”

“It’s silly, but … Well, Aahz, back when he was my

teacher, wouldn’t shake hands with me once I became his

apprentice. When we first met and after we became partners

it was okay, but not while I was his student. I don’t shake

hands with apprentices he used to say … only louder. I

hadn’t realized I had picked it up until just now. Sorry,

Gretta. Nothing personal.”

“Of course . . . Aahzmandius!”

The record keeper seemed suddenly excited.

“Excuse me?” I said, puzzled.

“Gretta, this won’t require a file search after all. Bring

me the file on Aahzmandius … it will be in the dropout

file … three or four centuries back if I recall correctly.”

Once the apprentice had scampered off, the record keeper

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