Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

returned his attention to me once more.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Skeeve. I just managed to recall the

individual you’re looking for. Refusing to shake hands with

apprentices was the tipoff. It was one of his least objection-

able quirks. Aahzmandius! After all these years I can still

remember him.”

After searching so long I was reluctant to believe my luck.

“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?


“Oh my, yes. That’s why the name rang a bell. Aahz


was the nickname Aahzmandius would use when he was

exercising his dubious love of practical jokes … or doing

anything else he didn’t want reflected on his permanent

record, for that matter. There was a time when that name

would strike terror into the hearts of any under-classman on


“I take it he wasn’t a particularly good student?” I said,

trying to hide my grin.

“Oh, on the contrary, he was one of the brightest students

we’ve ever had here. That’s much of why the faculty and

administration were willing to overlook the . . . um, less

social aspects of his character. He was at the head of his

class while he was here, and everyone assumed a bright

future for him. I’m not sure he was aware of it, but long

before he was slated to graduate, there was a raging debate

going on about him among the faculty. One side felt that

every effort should be made to secure him a position with

the institute as an instructor after he graduated. The other

felt that with his arrogant distaste for inferiors, placing him

in constant contact with students would . . . well, let’s just

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