Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

was nothing to do but pay off Edvick and Pookie, check

out of the hotel, and figure out how to signal Massha to

pick me up and take me to Klah. I hoped that simply remov-

ing the ring she had given me would bring her running, but

1 wasn’t sure. Maybe I would be more effective at stopping

Queen Hemlock than I had been in finding Aahz. I should

have been despairing as I wrote out the checks for my driver

and bodyguard in preparation for our parting, but I wasn’t.

Instead, I found myself thinking about the Duchess.

My first reaction to her was that she was a crazy old lady

trying to live in the past by maintaining an illusion of wealth

that nobody believed except her. Ideally, someone who cared

should give her a stem talking to and try to bring her back

into contact with reality so she could start adjusting to what

was instead of what had been or should be. I guess, on

reflection, I found her situation to be more sad than irritating

or contemptible.

Then, somehow, my thoughts began wandering from her

case to my own. Was I as guilty as she was of trying to run

my life on was and should be instead of accepting and

dealing with reality? I had been an untraveled, untrained

youth, and that self-image still haunted me in everything I

said and did. I felt I should be a flawless businessman and

manager, and treated both myself and others rather harshly

pursuing that goal. What was my realityl

Even before coming to Perv, many of my associates,

including Aahz, had tried to convince me I was something

more than I felt I was. Time and time again, I had discounted

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