Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

out in the open.

“Pookie, I …”

“Heads up, Skeeve,” she murmured, not looking at me.

“I think we’ve got problems.”

I followed her gaze with my eyes. Two uniformed police-

men were bracketing the door to my hotel. At the sight of

me, they started forward with expressions of grim determi-

nation on their faces.

Chapter Nineteen:

”I am not a crook!”


“ZAT EES HEEM! Ze third from ze right!”

Even with the floodlights full in my face, I had no diffi-

culty recognizing the voice which floated up to me from

the unseen area in the room beyond the lights. It was the

waiter I had clashed with the first night I was on Perv. The

one who claimed I had tried to avoid paying for my meal

by fainting.

I wasn’t surprised by his ability to identify me in the

lineup. First of all, I had no reason to suspect his powers

of observation and recall were lacking. More important, of

all the individuals in the line up, I was the only one who

wasn’t a Pervect. What’s more, all the others were uniformed

policemen! Nothing like a nice, impartial setup, and this

was just that . . . nothing like a nice, impartial setup.

What did surprise me was that I didn’t seem to be the

least bit upset by the situation. Usually, in a crisis like this,

I would either be extremely upset or too angry to care. This

time, however, I simply felt a bit bemused. In fact, I felt


so relaxed and in control of myself and the situation, I

decided to have a bit of fun with it … just to break the


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