Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

He gestured at one of the other policemen in the room

who held up several plastic bags with small items in them.

I recognized them at a glance, a fact which did nothing for

my peace of mind.

‘ ‘Those are all products of the Acme Joke and Novelty

Company,” the captain intoned. “A company I believe

you’ve worked with in the recent past?”

“A team of my employees did some work there on a

pilferage case,” I mumbled, not able to take my eyes off


the items in the bags. “Are those things really illegal on


“We have a lot of ordinances that try to keep the quality

of life on Perv high. We haven’t been able to stop pom,

but we have managed to outlaw trashy, practical joke items

like Rubber Doggie Doodle with Realistic Life-Like Aroma

that Actually Sticks to Your Hand.”

It seemed like a very minor achievement to me, consid-

ering the crime on the streets I had already been exposed

to. I didn’t think that it was wise to point this out just now,


“Okay, Captain, let me rephrase my question,” I said,

looking at the floor. “How much trouble am / in? I mean,

what’s really involved here… a fine, a jail term, what?”

The Pervect was so silent I finally raised my head to meet

his gaze directly. He was looking at me with a flat, appraising


“No charges. I’m letting you go,” he sighed, finally,

shaking his head.

“But I thought …”

“I said it depended on how the questioning went! Well,

I just can’t believe you’d be stupid enough to get involved

in this smuggling thing knowingly. If you had, you’d have

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