Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

protected yourself better than you did. What you did was

dumb . . . but just dumb enough to ring true.”

“Gee, thanks, Captain. I . . .”

“No thanks necessary. Just doing my job. Now get outta

here . . . and Mister Skeeve?”

“I know,” I smiled, “don’t change hotels or leave the

dimension without …”

“Actually,” the captain said drily without a trace of

warmth in his voice. “I was going to suggest the exact

opposite . . . that you leave the dimension . . . say, by

tomorrow morning?”

190 Robert Asprin


“I still think you smell of trouble, and these reports con-

firm it. The smuggling thing just seems like too much small

potatoes for you to bother with. I’d rather see you gone

than put you in jail on a piddling charge like that . . . but

it’s going to be one or the other, get me?”

I couldn’t believe it! Perv was the nastiest, roughest di-

mension around and / was being thrown off as an undesir-


Chapter Twenty:

“Were you looking for me?”


I WAS SURPRISED to find Pookie waiting for me when I got

back to the hotel. The police had been nice enough to wait

until I had given her her check before hauling me off, so I

had thought I’d never see her again.

“Hello, Pookie. What brings you here?”

“I wanted to talk a little business with you,” she said.

“It didn’t seem the right time before, so I waited.”


After my last experience, I wasn’t wild about the idea of

doing business with Pervects . . . especially ones who didn’t

want to talk in front of the police. Still, Pookie had given

me no reason to distrust her.

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