Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

“Well, it was recommended to me by Edvick, he’s the

cabbie I hired while I was here, and …”

“That you hired? Why didn’t you . . .”He paused and

seemed to regain a bit of control. “It sounds like you’ve-

got quite a bit to discuss with me … when we have the

time. Right, partner’1.'”‘

“Right, Aahz,” I said, glad to be off the hook for the


200 Robert Asprin

‘ ‘Is there anything that has to be done before we leave?”

“Well, I’ve got to get some money to the bellhop. I

promised him …”

“Spare me the details . . . for the moment anyway. Any-

thing else?”

“No, Aahz.”

“All right. Finish packing while I hunt up this bellhop

for you. Then, we’re off for Klah … if I can find the

settings on the D-hopper, that is. It’s been a while, and…”

“Save the batteries, cousin,” Pookie said. “I think I can

handle getting us all there without help.”

“You? Since when were you coming along?” Aahz


“Since I hired on with Skeeve here,” the bodyguard

countered. “While we’re on the subject, since when did

you need a D-hopper to travel through the dimensions?”

“Um … if the two of you don’t mind,” I said, stuffing

my dirty clothes into my new bag, “could we save all that

until later? Right now, we’ve got a war to catch!”

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