Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

ripping was a Troll, not a Pervect. Nobody actually saw

that one, either. Besides, right now I’m more interested in

information about the dimension than hearing tales of indi-

vidual exploits.”

I thought I lost Kalvin for a moment when I flattened

against a wall to avoid a particularly muscular individual

and the Djin didn’t make the move with me, but when I

stepped out again he was back in his now-accustomed place.

“Well, why didn’t you say so, if that’s what you wanted

to hear?” he said as if there had been no interruption.” About

Perv itself. Let me think. There’s not that much information

floating around, but what there is … Ah! Got it!”

He plucked a thick book out of thin air and started leafing

through it. I was so eager to hear what he had to say that

I didn’t comment on that little stunt at the moment, but I

also vowed anew to inquire further into Kalvin’s “meager

powers” when the opportunity presented itself.

“Let’s see . . . Parts . . . P’boscus . . . Perv! You want


the statistics or should I skip to the good part?”

“Just give me the meat for now.”

“Okay. It says here, and I quote, ‘Perv: One of the few

dimensions where magik and technology have advanced

equally through the ages. This blend has produced a culture

and lifestyle virtually unique in the known dimensions. Per-

verts are noted for their arrogance, since they strongly be-

lieve that their dimension possesses the best of everything,

and they are extremely vocal in that belief wherever they

go. This is despite ample proof that other dimensions which

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