Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

on his heel and marched on down the sidewalk.

“You shouldn’ t let that fat lug bluff you like that,” Kalvin

advised. “Stand up to him.”

“What makes you think he was bluffing?” I said, resum-

ing my journey, taking care to swerve around the other

Pervects crowding the path.’ ‘Besides, there’s also the minor

detail that he was big enough to squash me like a bug.”

“He raised a good point, though,” the Djin continued

as if I hadn’t spoken. “Just where are we going, anyway?”

“Down the street.”

“I meant, ‘what’s our destination?’ I thought you said

the phone book was no help.”

Despite its millions of inhabitants, the Pervish phone book

we found had turned out to have less than a dozen pages.

Apparently unlisted phone numbers were very big in this

dimension, just one more indication of the social nature of

the citizens. Of course, leafing vainly through it, it had

occurred to me that Aahz had been with me off-dimension

for so long that it was doubtful he would have been in the

book even if it contained a full listing.

“I repeat, we’re going down the street,” I repeated.

“Beyond that, I don’t know where we’re going. Is that what

you wanted to hear?”

“Then why are we moving at all?” the Djin pressed.


“Wouldn’t it be better to wait until we decided on a course

of action before we started moving?”

I dodged around a slow-moving couple.

“I think better when I’m walking. Besides, I don’t want

to draw unnecessary attention to us by lurking suspiciously

in alleys while I come up with a plan.”

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