Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

not from around here and I’m a little disoriented.”

I decided at the last moment to try to keep my off-dimen-

sion origins a secret. The policeman seemed to be fooled

by my disguise spell, and I saw no point in enlightening

him unless asked directly.

“You’re being too polite!” the Djin whispered insistantly.

“That’s what made him suspicious in the first place, re-


“Not from around here, eh?” the cop snarled. “So

tell me, Mr. Can’t-Walk-Like-Normal-Folks-Skeeve, just

where is it you’re from . . . exactly^”

‘So much for keeping my origins a secret.

“Well, I was born on Klah, but lately I’ve been living

at the Bazaar at Deva where I …”

“From off-dimension! I might have known. I suppose

comin’ from Deva that you’re going to try to tell me you’re

here on business.”

“Well, sort of. I’m here looking for my business partner.”

“Another one from off-dimension! Any more and we’ll

have to fumigate the whole place.”

The cop’s mouth was starting to get on my nerves, but 1

thought it wise to keep a rein on my temper, despite the

warning from Kalvin.

“Actually, he’s from here. That is, he’s a Pervect.”

“A Pervect? Now I’ve heard everything. A fellow from

off-dimension who claims to have a Pervect for a business



That did it.

“That’s right!” I barked. “What’s more, he happens to

be my best friend. We had a fight and I’m trying to find

him and get him to rejoin the company. What’s it to you,


The cop gave ground a little, then scowled at me.

“Well, I guess you’re tellin’ the truth. Even someone

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