Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

with the crime rate the way it is. We’re moving targets for

every amateur stick-up artist or hijacker who needs a quick

bankroll. I had that baby installed so I’d know in advance

what was sittin’ down behind me.”

He shot me a quick wink over his shoulder.

“Don’t worry, though. I won’t charge you extra for the

Djin. He don’t take up much space. So far as I can tell,

you two are harmless enough.”

That reassured me, at least to a point where I no longer

considered jumping from the moving vehicle.

“I take it you don’t share the general low opinion of folks

from off-dimension?”

“Don’t make no never mind to me, as long as you pay

your way,” the driver waved. “As far as I can tell, you

got enough money on ya that I don’t think you’ll try to

welch on anything as piddling as a cab fare. Keep up the

disguise, though. Some of the merchants around here will

raise their prices at the sight of someone from off-dimension

just to make you feel unwelcome . . . and things are already

priced sky-high.”

“Thanks for the warning.”

“… And you might be careful carrying so much cash.

Everything you’ve heard about crime on the streets in this

place is true. In fact, you’d probably be best off hiring

yourself a bodyguard while you’re here. If you want, I can

recommend a couple good ones.”

“You know, that might not be a bad idea,” Kalvin said.

“In case I hadn’t mentioned it, Djinger is a pretty peaceful

36 Robert Asprin

dimension. I won’t be much help to you in a fight.”

I ignored him as the cabbie continued, apparently unable

to hear the Djin despite his various devices. Remembering

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