Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

some of the dangers I had faced in my adventures, the idea

of hiring someone to guard me just to walk down the street

seemed a little ludicrous.

‘ ‘I appreciate your concern, but I’m pretty good at looking

out for myself.”

“Suit yourself, it was just a suggestion. Say, you want

something to eat? I sell snack packs.”

He used one hand to pick up a box from the seat beside

him and shove it in my direction. It was filled with small

bags with stuff oozing through the sides.

“Uh . . . not just now, thanks,” I said, trying to fight

down the sudden queasiness I felt.

The driver was not to be daunted. He tossed the box back

onto the seat and snatched up a booklet.

“How about a guidebook, then? I write and print ’em

myself. It’s better’n anything you’ll find on the stands . . .

and cheaper, too.”

That might have come in handy, but glancing at it I could

see the print was a series of squiggles and hieroglyphics

that were meaningless to me. I always travel with a translator

pendant to get around the language barrier, but unfortunately

its powers don’t extend to the written word.

“I don’t suppose you have a Klahdish translation, do


“Sorry,” he said, tossing the booklet in the same general

direction the box had gone. “I’m takin’ a few courses to

try to leam some other languages, but Klahdish isn’t one ;

of them. Not enough demand, ya know?” I

Despite my continuing concern over his attention to his

driving, the cabbie was beginning to interest me.

“I must say you’re enterprising enough. Cab driver, pub-


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