Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

lisher, cook, translator… is there anything else you do?”

“Oh, I’m into a lot of things. Photography, tour guide .. .

I even draw a little. Some of these drawings I did. I’d be

willing to part with them for the right price.”

He gestured at some of the sheets adorning the interior,

and the cab veered dangerously to the right.

“Ah . . . actually, I was interested in something else you

said just now.”

“Yeah? What’s that?”

“Tour guide.”

“Oh, that. Sure. I love to when I get the chance. It’s

sweet money. Beats the heck out of fighting the other hacks

for fares all day long.”

I glanced at Kalvin and raised a questioning eyebrow.

“Go ahead,” he said. “We could use a guide, and you

seem to be getting along with this guy pretty well. You

know what they say, ‘Better the Deveel you know.’ “

Obviously the Djin’s knowledge did not extend to De-

veels, but this wasn’t the time or place to instruct him. I

turned my attention back to the driver.

“I was thinking of hiring you more as a guide than a tour

guide. How much do you make a day with this cab?”

‘ ‘Well, on a good day I can turn better than a hundred.”

“Uh-huh,” I said. “How about on an average day?”

That earned me another over-the-shoulder glance.

“I gotta say, fella, you sure don’t talk like a Klahd.”

“I live at the Bazaar at Deva,” I smiled. “It does wonders

for your bargaining skills. How much?”

We haggled back and forth for a few minutes, but even-

tually settled on a figure. It seemed fair, and I wasn’t exactly

in a position to be choosy. If the device the cabbie had used

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