Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

but, if they insist …”

For the next several minutes I took my anger out on the

bag, which was probably the safest object to vent my spleen

on. I hefted it, swung it over my head, slammed it against

the floor a couple times, and did everything else to it I could

think of short of climbing inside. I’ve got to admit the thing

was sturdily made. Then again, I was starting to see why

goods on Perv had to be tough. The salesmen never favored

me with so much as a glance.

“Check me on this, Kalvin,” I panted, my exertions

finally starting to wear on my endurance. “The price tag

on this bag does say 125 gold, doesn’t it?”

I may not be able to read many written languages, but

numbers and prices have never given me any trouble. I

guess it comes from hanging around with Aahz as long as

I have . . . not to mention Tananda and Bunny.

“That’s the way I read it.”

“I mean, that’s not exactly cheap. I’ve seen clerks treat

10-copper items with more concern and respect than these

guys are showing. Don’t they care?”

“Not so’s you’d notice,” the Djin agreed.

” Do you think they’ d notice if I tried to just tuck it. under

my arm and walk out without paying? It would be nice to


know something can get to these guys.”

The Djin glanced around nervously.

‘ ‘I really don’t know, but I don’t think you should try.”

That cooled me down a bit. I was still in strange territory

on a mission, and it was no time to start testing security


“Okay,” I growled. “Let’s try this again.”

This time, when I approached the sales counter, I figured

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