Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

citizens are noted for not liking anyone, and off-worlders

in particular, so the lack of warmth in the looks directed at

us did not seem noteworthy.

What Massha had reminded me of, though it shouldn’t

have been necessary, is that we were now on Perv, their

home dimension, and instead of an occasional encounter

we would be dealing with them almost exclusively. As I


said I should have realized it, but after years of hearing

about Perv, it was taking a while for it to sink in that I was

actually there.

Of course, there was no way we could be mistaken for

natives. The locals here had green scales, yellow eyes, and

pointed teeth, while Massha and I looked . . . well, normal.

In some way, I think it goes to show how unsettling the

Pervects look when I say that, by comparison, Massha looks


However, Massha was correct in pointing out that if I

hoped to get any degree of cooperation from the locals, I

was going to have to utilize a disguise spell to blend with

them. Closing my eyes, I got to work.

The disguise spell was one of the first spells I learned,

and I’ve always had complete confidence in it … after the

first few times I used it, that is. For those who are interested

in technical details, it’s sort of a blend of illusion and mind

control. Simply put, if you can convince yourself that you

look different, others will see it as well. That may sound

complicated, but it’s really very simple and easy to leam.

Actors have been using it for centuries. Anyway, it’s quite

easy, and in no time at all my disguise was in place and I

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