Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

forewarned I managed to hide my surprise as I reached for

the form.

“… A day. Payable in advance, of course.”

My hand stopped just short of the form.

‘ ‘A hundred in gold a day?” I said as carefully as I could.

“Skeeve!” Kalvin yipped in my ear. “Remember, you

were warned things were expensive here! This is a low-

priced hotel, remember?”

“Payable in advance,” the clerk confirmed.

I withdrew my hands from the desk.

“How much time do you want to spend looking for a

room, Skeeve?” the Djin continued desperately. “The cab

won’t be back until morning and it’s getting dark out. Do

you really want to walk these streets at night?”

I took a hundred in gold from my money belt and dropped

it on the desk, then started filling out the form.

“I assumed that each day is payable in advance, consid-

ering the interest rates,” I said calmly. “Oh, yes, I’d like

a receipt for that, as well.”

The desk clerk whisked the form from under my pen and

glanced at it almost before I had finished signing it.

“Quite right, Mr. . . Skeeve. I’ll have a receipt for you

in a moment.”

It was nice to know some Pervects were efficient, once

56 Robert Asprin

you had met their price. The hundred in gold had already


The desk clerk slipped the receipt across the desk, a key

held daintily in his other hand. I claimed the receipt and

was starting to go for the key when h& casually moved it

back out of my reach, slapping his palm down on a small

bell that was on the desk.


Before I could ask what this little declaration was sup-

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