Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

was ready to face Perv as a native.

“Nice work, Spell-slinger,” Massha drawled with decep-

tive casualness. “But there’s one minor detail you’ve over-


This time I knew exactly what she was referring to, but

decided to play it dumb. In case you’re wondering, yes,

this is my normal modus operandi … to act dumb when

I know what’s going on, and knowledgeable when I’m totally

in the dark.

“What’s that, Massha?” I said, innocently.

“Where’s mine?”

There was a lot loaded into those two words, everything

6 Robert Asprin

from threats to a plea. This time, however, I wasn’t going

to be moved. I had given the matter a lot of thought and

firmly resolved to stand by my decision.

“You aren’t going to need a disguise, Massha. You aren’t


“But, Skeeve …”


“But …”

“Look, Massha,” I said, facing her directly, “I ap-

preciate your wanting to help, but this is my problem. Aahz

is my partner, not to mention my mentor and best friend.

What’s more, it was my thoughtlessness that got him so

upset he resigned from the firm and ran away. No matter

how you cut it, it’s my job to find him and bring him back.”

My apprentice regarded me with folded arms and tight


“Agreed,” she said.

“… So there’s no point in your trying to … what

did you say?”

“I said agreed,” she repeated. “… As in, I agree it’s

your job to bring Aahz back!”

That took me by surprise. I had somehow expected more

of an argument. Even now, it didn’t look to me like she

had really given up the fight.

“Well, then …”

“… And it’s my job as your apprentice to tag along

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