Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

how it is you come to be wearin’ a disguise in such a fine

place? It couldn’t be that you were plannin’ to skip out

without payin’ fer yer meal, could it?”

“No. It’s just that…” I paused as a wave of dizziness

passed. “Well, I’ve heard you can get better service and

prices on Perv if folks don’t know you’re from off-dimen-


“Bad answer, Skeeve,” Kalvin hissed, but I had already

figured that out.

The policeman had gone several shades darker, and his

head almost disappeared into his neck. Though his tone was

still cordial, he seemed to be picking his words very care-


“Are ya tryin’ to tell me you think our whole dimension

is full of clip joints and thieves? Is that what yer sayin’?”

Too late I saw my error. Aahz had always seemed to be

proud of the fact that Pervects were particularly good at

turning a profit. It had never occurred to me that to some,

this might sound like an insult.

“Not at all,” I said hastily. “I assumed it was like any

other place,, . . that the best prices and services were reserved

for locals and visitors got what was left. I was just trying

to take advantage of normal priorities, that’s all.”

I thought it was a pretty good apology. The policeman,

however, seemed unimpressed. Unsmiling, he produced a

notepad and pencil.


Robert Asprin


His voice was almost flat and impersonal, but managed

to still convey a degree of annoyance.

“Look. I’ll pay for the meal, if that’s what the problem


“I didn’t ask if you were payin’ for the meal. I asked

you what your name is. Now are you going to tell me here,

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