Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

names of our citizens you’re dealin’ with.”

Too late I saw-the trap. As a businessman, I should have

local references. This may seem like a silly oversight to

you, but you’ll have to remember my background up to this

point. Most of my ventures into the various dimensions have

been more of the raider or rescue mission variety, so it never

occurred to me there was another way of doing business.

Of course, admitting this would probably do little toward

improving the impression I was making on this stalwart of

the law.

I considered my alternatives. I considered trying to lie

my way out of the predicament. Finally, I decided to give

the truth one last try.

“There isn’t anyone specifically that I’m dealing with.”

I said carefully. “The fact of the matter is that I’m looking

for someone.”

“Oh? Then you’re hirin’ for your corporation? Out to

raid some of our local talent?”

That didn’t sound too good either.

“It’s not a recruiting mission, I assure you. I’m trying

to find my … one of our employees.”

The policeman straightened a bit, looking up from his

notebook once more. .

“Now, that’s a different matter entirely,” he said. “Have

you been by a station to fill out a missing person report?”

I tried to imagine Aahz’s reaction if I had the police pick


him up. Mercifully, my mind blocked the image.

“Are you kidding? I mean … no, I haven’t.”

“… Or do you think you’re better at locatin’ folks than

the police are?”

I was getting desperate. It seemed that no matter what I

said, it was getting twisted into the worst possible interpre-

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