Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

to cut it out to be.”

“It isn’t?”

That last snappy response of mine was sort of squeaked

out. I was suddenly aware that I was not as far out of the

woods as I had believed.

“No, it isn’t. We have what seems to be a minor distur-

bance in a public restaurant, only the person at the center

of it turns out to be travelin’ in disguise. What’s more, he’s

from off-dimension and used to usin’ aliases, and even

though he claims to be an honest businessman, there doesn’t

seem to be anyone locally who can vouch for him, or any

immediate way of confirmin’ his story. Now doesn’t that

strike you as bein’ a little suspicious?”

“Well, if you put it that way …”

“I do! However, as I was sayin’, we’re pretty busy down

at the station, and for all yer jabberin’ you seem harmless

e.nough, so I don’t see much point to pursuin’ this further.

Just remember, I’ve got you down in my book, boyo, and

if there’s any trouble you’ll find I’m not so understandin’

next time!”

With that, he turned on his heel ,and marched out of the


‘ ‘That was close,” Kalvin whistled.’ ‘You shouldn’t have

mouthed off that last time.”

I had arrived at much the same conclusion, but nodded

my agreement anyway.

The waiter was still hovering about, so I signaled him

for our check. The last thing I needed to do now would be

to forget and try to walk out without paying.

“So where do we go from here?” the Djin asked.

“I think we’ll settle up here and head back to the hotel

for some sleep. Two run-ins with the police in one day is

about all the excitement I can handle.”

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