Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

and back your moves. By your own logic, Chief, I’m obli-

gated to you the same way you’re obligated to Aahz.”

It was a good argument, and for a moment I was tempted

to let her stay.

“Sorry, Massha,” I said finally with real regret, “I can’t

let you do it.”

“But …”

“… Because you’re going to be my stand-in when the


rest of the team takes on Queen Hemlock.”

That stopped her, as I thought it would, and she bit her

lip and stared into the distance as I continued.

“It’s bad enough that the rest of the crew is going to

fight my battle for me, but to have both of us sit it out is

unthinkable. They’re going to need all the help they can

get. Besides, part of the reason for having an apprentice is

so that I can be two places at once . . . isn’t it?”

I figured that would end the discussion, but I underesti-

mated Massha’s determination.

“Okay, then you lead the fight against Hemlock and /’//

fetch the Scaly Wonder.”

I shook my head.

“C’mon, Massha. You know better than that. It was my

thoughtlessness that made him leave in the first place. If

anyone should, if anyone can make him come back it’s got

to be me.”

She muttered something under her breath that it’s probably

just as well I didn’t hear, but I was pretty sure it wasn’t

wholehearted agreement. With one problem already at hand

from my lack of attentiveness to my associates’ moods, I

thought it ill-advised to ignore the fact my apprentice was


“Look, can we take a few minutes and discuss what it

is that’s really bothering you?” I said. “I’d just as soon we

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