Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

tion as I was peering at my face in the mirror. Things were

getting to a point where I had to shave, but only occasionally

. . . and I decided today wasn’t one of those occasions. It’s

funny, when I was younger I used to look forward to shaving,

but now that it was fast upon me I tended to see it as the

nuisance it was. I began to understand why some men grew


“Well, I don’t think we should just sit around here waiting

for Aahz to answer the bellhop’s personal ad,” I said. “Be-

sides, it won’t produce any results today, anyway. I figure

we should do a little looking on our own.”

As soon as I said it, I realized how simplistic that sounded.

Of course we were going to go looking for Aahz. That’s

what we would have done if the bellhop hadn’t come up

with his “personal ad” idea. If Kalvin noticed, however,

he let me get away with it.


“Sounds good to me. Where do we start?”

I had been giving that some thought. Unfortunately, the

end result was that I was embarrassed to realize how little

I knew about Aahz’s background … or the background of

any of my other colleagues, for that matter.

‘ ‘The main things Aahz seems to specialize in are magik

and finances. I thought we’d poke around those circles a

while and see if anyone can give us a lead.”

As it turned out, however, there was one small episode

which delayed the start of our quest.

We had just stepped out of the doors of the hotel and

were’looking around for Edvik when I noticed the street

vendors. They had been there the day before when we

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