Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

with any paying customers. Time’s money, ya know.”

In response, I tossed a gold coin into his blanket.

“So call me a customer who’s buying some of your time.

Let me know when that’s used up.”

He made a quick pass with his hand and the coin disap-

peared as his smile emerged from hiding.

‘ ‘Mister, you just got my attention. Ask your questions.”

“Why do you do this?”

The smile faded into a grimace.

“Because I’m independently wealthy and get my kicks

sitting in the rain and running from the cops . . . why do

you think? I do it for the money, same as everybody else.”

“No. I meant why do you do this for money instead of

getting a job?”

He studied me for a moment with his Pervish yellow

eyes, then gave a small shrug.

“All right,” he said. “I’ll give you a straight answer.

You don’t get rich working for someone else . . . especially

not at the kind of jobs I’d been qualified for. You see, I

don’t come from money. All my folks gave me was my

name. After that I was pretty much on my own. I don’t

have much school to my credit, and, like I say, my family

isn’t connected. I can’t get a good job from an old pal of

my dad’s. That means I’d start at the bottom . . . and

88 Robert Asprin

probably end there, too. Anyway, I gave it a good long

think, and decided I wanted more out of life.”

I tried to think of a tactful way of saying that this still

looked pretty bottom of the barrel to me.

“… So you think this is better than working at an

entry-level job for someone else?”

His head came up proudly.

“I didn’t say that. I don’t figure to be doing this forever.

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