Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

This is just a way to raise the capital to start a bigger

business. I’m risking it all on my own abilities. If it works,

I get all the profits instead of a wage and I can move on to

better things. What’s more, if it works well enough, I’ve

got more to pass on to my kids than my parents did. If it

doesn’t . . . well, I’m no worse off than when I started.”

“You’ve got kids?”

“Who, me? No … at least, not yet. Maybe someday.

Right now, the way things are going. I can’t even afford a

steady girlfriend, if you know what I mean.”

Actually, I didn’t. I had plenty of money personally, but

no girlfriend. Therefore, I didn’t have the vaguest idea what

the upkeep on one would be.

“Well, I’d say it’s a noble cause you have there . . .

wanting to build something to leave for your kids.”

At that he laughed, flashing those teeth again.

“Don’t try to make me sound too good,” he said. “I

won’t kid you. I’d like a few of the nicer things in life

myself . . . like staying at fancy hotels and driving around

in cabs. I’d use up some of the profits before I passed them

on to my kids.”

I was suddenly aware of the differences in our economic

standing . . . that what he was dreaming about I tended to

take for granted. The awareness made me uncomfortable.

“Yeah . . . well, I’ve got to be going now. Oh! What

was it, anyway?”


“What was what?”

“The name your parents gave you.”

“It wasn’t that hot, really,” he said, making a face. “My

friends just call me J. R.”

With that, I beat a hasty retreat to my waiting cab.

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