Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

didn’t part company on an off note.”

Massha pursed her lips for a few moments, then heaved

a great sigh.

“I just don’t like the idea of your taking on this chore

alone, Skeeve. I know you know more magik than I do,

but this is one of the meanest of the known dimensions. I’d

feel better if you had a backup is all … Even if it’s just

a mechanic like me. These little toys of mine have helped

us out more than once in the past.”

8 Robert Asprin

What she was referring to, of course, was her jewelry.

Nearly all the magik Massha used was of the gimmick variety

. . . magik rings, magik pendants, magik nose studs . . .

hence the nickname within the trade of “mechanic.” She

was, however, polite enough to not stress too hard the fact

that her toys were often more effective and reliable than my

own “natural” form.

“You’re right, Massha, and I’d love to have you along

. . . but you’re needed more against Hemlock. Before you get

too worried, though, just remember I’ve handled some pretty

tough situations in the past.”

“Those weren’t on Perv and you usually had your partner

along to handle the rough stuff,” she said bluntly. “You

don’t even have a D-hopper along.”

“I’ll get it back from Aahz when I find him. If I’m

successful, we’ll be along together. If not, I figure he’ll

give me the D-hopper and set it for Klah just to be rid of me.”

“… And if you can’t find him at all?” Massha gestured

pointedly at the crowds on the street. “In case you haven’t

noticed, this isn’t going to be the easiest place to locate


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