Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

place sitting down?”

I looked closer at the Djin. He really did look tired, his

face streaked with sweat and his little chest heaving as he

tried to catch his breath. Strange, I didn’t feel like I had

been exerting myself at all.

“Talk about what?” I said, realizing as I spoke that the

words were coming out forced and tense.

“Come on, Skeeve. It’s obvious that what the Butterfly

said back there has you upset. I don’t know why, it sounded

like pretty good advice to me, but maybe talking it out

would help a bit.”

“Why should I be upset?” I snapped. “He only chal-

lenged all the priorities I’ve been living by and suggested

that my best friend is probably the worst thing in my life.

Why should that bother me?”

“It shouldn’t,” Kalvin responded innocently, “unless,

of course, he’s right. Then I could see why it would bother


I opened my mouth for an angry retort, then shut it again.

I really couldn’t think of anything to say. The Djin had just

verbalized my worst fears, ones I didn’t have any answers


“… And running away from it won’t help! You’re

going to have to face up to it before you’re any good to

yourself … or anyone else, for that matter.”


Kalvin’s voice came from behind me, and I realized I

had picked up my pace again. At the same moment, I saw

that he was right, I was trying to run away from the issues,

both figuratively and literally. With that knowledge, the

fatigue of my mental and physical efforts hit me all at once

and I sagged, slowing to a stop on the sidewalk.

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